We work closely with our sister church, St James’s, New Barnet and are part of the wider Christian community of churches in New Barnet. We take part in the annual World Day of Prayer service for East and New Barnet.
Chipping Barnet Foodbank
We have a donation point at Holy Trinity Church for Chipping Barnet Foodbank. The Foodbank welcomes any non-perishable food items. Details of the latest shortages are on the Foodbank facebook page and website:
Summer packed lunches: over the school summer holidays, the Foodbank are giving out packed lunches to clients with children. Their website has full details of the items needed for the packed lunches
The Foodbank is located just across the road from Holy Trinity Church, hosted by our neighbours Mary Immaculate and St Peter RC Church (63 Somerset Rd, EN5 1RF) – it’s open Mon 7.30pm-8.30pm, Tue 12noon-1.30pm, Thu 10am-11am and Sat 10am-11.30am for donations or to collect food. There are also donation points for the Foodbank at St James’s Church New Barnet and a number of local shops (full list on the Foodbank website).
Jim’s Café community advice centre
Jim’s Café community advice centre takes place at St James’s Church, New Barnet on Wednesday mornings. It is free and offers a range of advice services, including help with filling in forms and Citizens' Advice Barnet, as well as refreshments and a place to chat.
Barnet Night Shelter
For many years now churches and other local community groups have shared in hosting a winter night shelter for rough sleepers who are referred by Homeless Action in Barnet – providing a cooked evening meal, breakfast and a warm place to sleep. If you would like to volunteer, please contact us .
Narcotics Anonymous
St James's runs a Narcotics Anonymous session every Monday at 7.30pm, which is free and open to all.
Narcotics Anonymous (NA) exists so that its members can support each other to recover from, and stay, drug free. NA members come from all walks of life, and range in age from teenagers to OAP’s. It costs nothing to attend our meetings. Just turn up. There are no ‘musts’ in NA, and you don’t have to say anything at any NA meeting. If you want to talk to someone from NA first, call the NA helpline on 0300 999 1212. It’s open daily from 10am to midnight, and will be answered by a NA member.
Green Christian Barnet
The Green Christian Barnet group provides a chance for Christians to meet together to explore how their faith connects to issues of creation care, and to take action.
We work closely with our sister church, St James’s, New Barnet and are part of the wider Christian community of churches in New Barnet. We take part in the annual World Day of Prayer service for East and New Barnet.
Chipping Barnet Foodbank
We have a donation point at Holy Trinity Church for Chipping Barnet Foodbank. The Foodbank welcomes any non-perishable food items. Details of the latest shortages are on the Foodbank facebook page and website:
Summer packed lunches: over the school summer holidays, the Foodbank are giving out packed lunches to clients with children. Their website has full details of the items needed for the packed lunches
The Foodbank is located just across the road from Holy Trinity Church, hosted by our neighbours Mary Immaculate and St Peter RC Church (63 Somerset Rd, EN5 1RF) – it’s open Mon 7.30pm-8.30pm, Tue 12noon-1.30pm, Thu 10am-11am and Sat 10am-11.30am for donations or to collect food. There are also donation points for the Foodbank at St James’s Church New Barnet and a number of local shops (full list on the Foodbank website).
Jim’s Café community advice centre
Jim’s Café community advice centre takes place at St James’s Church, New Barnet on Wednesday mornings. It is free and offers a range of advice services, including help with filling in forms and Citizens' Advice Barnet, as well as refreshments and a place to chat.
Barnet Night Shelter
For many years now churches and other local community groups have shared in hosting a winter night shelter for rough sleepers who are referred by Homeless Action in Barnet – providing a cooked evening meal, breakfast and a warm place to sleep. If you would like to volunteer, please contact us .
Narcotics Anonymous
St James's runs a Narcotics Anonymous session every Monday at 7.30pm, which is free and open to all.
Narcotics Anonymous (NA) exists so that its members can support each other to recover from, and stay, drug free. NA members come from all walks of life, and range in age from teenagers to OAP’s. It costs nothing to attend our meetings. Just turn up. There are no ‘musts’ in NA, and you don’t have to say anything at any NA meeting. If you want to talk to someone from NA first, call the NA helpline on 0300 999 1212. It’s open daily from 10am to midnight, and will be answered by a NA member.
Green Christian Barnet
The Green Christian Barnet group provides a chance for Christians to meet together to explore how their faith connects to issues of creation care, and to take action.